Turmeric what benefits for the body

Turmeric, what benefits for the body

For some years now, even in many Italian cuisines, there has been extensive use of spices from the East such as the turmeric. We can say that turmeric as well as other spices are natural supplements of vitamins and heart-healthy substances.

Famous for its golden yellow color

Famous for its golden yellow color, turmeric is very versatile and can be consumed raw or at the end of cooking added to creams, sauces, yogurt and other dishes (the recommended dose is about 2 teaspoons a day).

But this spice also has numerous beneficial properties for the body stemming from its active ingredient, curcumin.

It has, in fact, properties:

  • anti-inflammatory: consuming turmeric helps prevent and reduce inflammation;
  • antioxidants: turmeric makes it possible to limit the action of free radicals and thus slow down the cellular aging that underlies the onset of cancer;
  • anticancer: consumption of this spice helps to fight and prevent the onset of cancer;
  • healers: turmeric promotes wound healing, so it is ideal to use it in burns, dermatitis and insect bites;
  • Digestive: in addition to aiding digestion, turmeric relieves stomach aches and spasms and prevents discomfort such as bloating and flatulence. Precisely because of this property, turmeric helps anyone who plans to lose weight;
  • antibacterial, especially in cases of colds and sore throats. In such cases, preparing a mixture made with honey, lemon and turmeric is ideal for soothing these discomforts;
  • Pain-relieving: for example, it helps relieve joint pain;
  • detoxifying: turmeric allows the liver to function better and thus eliminate excess accumulated toxins.

Turmeric, beneficial properties for the heart

In addition, turmeric has beneficial properties for the heart: in fact, it helps fight the onset of heart disease and control blood cholesterol levels. As with the heart, this valuable spice also exerts its beneficial properties on the brain, slowing the aging of brain cells and thus preventing inflammation in the central nervous system.