Mouthwash how they should be used

Mouthwash, how they should be used

For theoral hygiene, valuable help comes from mouthwashes, which are antibacterial products essential for keeping the oral cavity healthy.

In fact, using this product can significantly limit the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth and thus prevent the occurrence of tooth decay, plaque or other inflammation of the gums. Remember that among the things to do is to change the toothbrush cyclically.

There are different types of mouthwashes:

  • cosmetic, used to freshen the mouth and for better smelling breath (they are usually fluoride-based and can also be bought at the supermarket)
  • therapeutic, used for cases of bacterial inflammation or oral infections and can be purchased at pharmacies (to be used for a limited time, perhaps under the advice of your dentist)

How to use mouthwashes?

Mouthwash should certainly never be used alone, but it is a good idea to brush teeth first (at least after each meal) and floss immediately afterward (at least once a day).

Next, use mouthwash (even once a day is enough, especially if they are therapeutic ones) after brushing the teeth, preferably in the evening before bedtime which is the best time since the mouth just then is most exposed to the attack of bacteria.

For even more effective use, read the directions on the mouthwash package also to understand whether it should be diluted with water or used pure.

Cosmetic ones can also be used several times a day (that is, every time you brush your teeth).

Rinsing with mouthwash should take at least a minute, no less than 30 seconds, with 10 or 20 ml of mouthwash, being careful not to swallow it and distributing it to all areas of the mouth.

In case of a sore throat or pharyngitis, it is beneficial to gargle.

Finally, spit out the product without rinsing and without eating or drinking anything (preferably) for the next 30 minutes.