Lazio Region – Helicopter rescue project kicks off for 206 new landing points

Latium Region – Helicopters, project kicks off for 206 new landing points

Project kicks off to realize in the municipalities of the five provinces of Lazio 206 areas for the landing and takeoff of helicopters of the helicopter rescue service regional using sports fields and similar areas that can also be used at night and 365 days a year. In this sense, the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, sent a letter to all mayors and provincial presidents of Lazio to inform them of the initiatives and ask for their cooperation. The goal is to certify, by next summer and in a short time, the full safety viability of the identified sites, Significantly implementing the existing network.

To these are added the 38 areas planned in Rome for the Jubilee thus bringing the emergency-urgency network to 244 authorized points for the operation of regional helicopters.

Means the “distance” between the place of the event In every municipality in Lazio and the Department of Emergency d’s of reference is reduced to a maximum of thirty minutes of flight time, thus guaranteeing a’timely care also to the more isolated and hard-to-reach communities. With this project, the Lazio Region is the first in Italy to implement so extensively and extensively the provisions of European Regulation 965/12, which was transposed into Regional Law 11 of 2014 and which allows the use of sports fields and open spaces but only after a technical assessment of agibility conducted by the staff of Ares 118, helicopter rescue technicians and Enac.

Specifically In the municipalities of the Roman province has already been Identified a first group of 79 sites between synthetic and grass soccer fields, which are already equipped with night lighting systems; in the province of Viterbo there are 51 areas, in the province of Latina 32; in the province of Frosinone 31, in the province of Rieti 13. Checks and inspections will begin in the coming days to prepare and obtain the relevant ENAC opinion.

Lazio – explains President Nicola Zingaretti – thus becomes the first Italian region for extension of helicopter rescue service That will also be active for neonatal transport. This creates the conditions to ensure concrete equality d’access to the Hubs Of ‘time-dependent networks’ to all citizens of Lazio regardless of their place of residence, for 365 days a year, both day and night. With such a widespread network, the hospital can be reached from any point in the Lazio region within 30 minutes.

What we have come up with is only an indicative but not exhaustive list in the sense that other municipalities can also make a request to be included in the network if they have technically suitable spaces. Health care closer to citizens is not a slogan, but a concrete fact that offers greater efficiency without increasing spending, because this project does not involve additional costs for the regional coffers“.