Joint regeneration an in-depth conference at St. Charles de Nancy

Joint regeneration, at St. Charles of Nancy an in-depth conference

Saturday, May 6, starting at 9 a.m., at the San Carlo di Nancy in Rome, an area general hospital with emergency room, accredited with the Regional Health Service, experts from the scientific and clinical world come together to discuss the main Pharmacological, infiltrative and surgical treatments for cartilage damage And take stock of the results obtained with the use of techniques for joint regeneration.

The conference, entitled "Joint regeneration between myth and reality", has as its aim to identify common guidelines to be adopted for the treatment of patients with cartilage or tendon damage.

Long-standing scientific research Is engaged in the study of treatments for degenerative or traumatic cartilage injuries or in the case of tendinopathies. "Joint regeneration, particularly, has gained tremendous momentum in recent years.Mario Tartarone, director of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, explains he St. Charles de Nancy Hospital and coordinator of the CME-accredited eventCurrently, however, there is a lack of shared expert guidelines that can outline common strategies based on scientific evidence.".

Treatments currently available for joint regeneration include hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed collagen and platelet gel, however, Mario Tartarone emphasizes: "In the sea magnum of possible therapies proposed and in the absence of shared guidelines, patients feel confused, finding very different information and suggestions regarding the approach to follow".

In addition to being an opportunity to discuss therapies, the’event will also allow discussion of the results obtained with the aid of tools that can support joint regeneration, such as biophysical stimulation, Already known for bone regeneration.

"We felt the need to propose this day of discussion – Tartarone concludesfrom which we would like to see produced not only shared guidelines to be disseminated to colleagues, but we also aim at the creation of a study group on the".

The event will be held at the Conference Area of the San Carlo di Nancy Hospital.

CMEs are provided for surgeons specializing in Orthopedics and Traumatology.